Projekt ”V naročju kulturne in naravne dediščine” je bil leta 2019 izbran v okviru Javnega poziva za izbor operacij za uresničevanje ciljev Strategije lokalnega razvoja LAS v letu 2019 (Lokalne akcijske skupine | LAS Za mesto in vas).
Namen javnega poziva je izbor operacij, katerih rezultati prispevajo k uresničevanju Strategije lokalnega razvoja na območju LAS Za mesto in vas in njihovega sofinanciranja.
Izbrani projekti se izvajajo v okviru podukrepa “Podpora za izvajanje operacij v okviru strategije lokalnega razvoja, ki ga vodi skupnost”. Sredstva za sofinanciranje je LAS-u dodelilo Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano v okviru Evropskega kmetijskega sklada za razvoj podeželja.
Poleg Zavoda CCC so partnerji projekta še Javni zavod Sotočje Medvode, podjetje BB BIO.Si in Mojca Sfiligoj z Domačije Pr' Lenart.
"In the Lap of Cultural and Natural Heritage" project was selected back in 2019 through published Open Call for the Selection of Operations for the Implementation of the Goals of the Local Development Strategy for the City and Village LAG in 2019 (Local Action Group for the City and Village | LAS Za mesto in vas).
The purpose of the open call is to select and co-fund operations whose results will contribute to the implementation of the Local Development Strategy in the area of LAG for the City and Village.
The selected projects are accomplished within the framework of the sub-measure "Support for the implementation of operations within the strategy of CLLD – Community-led Local Development". Co-funding resources were granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food within the European Agricultural Fund for the Development of Rural Areas.
Besides the CCC Institute, the partners of the project include Public Institute Sotočje Medvode, BB BIO.Si company and Mojca Sfiligoj from Pr' Lenart Homestead.

Osrednji namen projekta ”V naročju kulturne in naravne dediščine” je ustvariti novo živo skupnost. S tem želimo obstoječe in celo usihajoče skupnosti nagovoriti k ponovni prekrvavitvi, revitalizaciji in rekreaciji njihovega obstoja.
V dvoletnem procesu bomo vse aktivnosti prepletli v eno zgodbo o preseganju individualne sebičnosti. Začeli jo bomo s prepoznavanjem posameznih narcističnih blokad in jo nadaljevali z zaznavanjem vzgibov za izhod iz tega stanja.
Zgodba bo najbolj razvidna iz postavitve dveh razstav. K oblikovanju obeh bomo tako v letu 2020 kot letu 2021 povabili iste avtorje. V prvem letu se bodo že čutila prepletanja med umetniki, vendar bo še vedno vsak imel svoj prostor. V drugem letu pa bomo skupaj ustvarjali eno umetniško delo.
Za ustvarjanje skupnosti bo že pred prvo razstavo, med obema pa tudi po drugi razstavi za obiskovalce navdihujoča potujoča razstava sodobne umetnosti v kapsulah imenovanih Potovke. Manjše steklene kapsule, v katerih bodo miniaturna umetniška dela obiskovalci prenašali med različnimi lokacijami v širši okolici Polhograjcev. Tako bomo živo omrežje medčloveških pretokov razpredli v širši prostor.
Preko ustvarjalnih delavnic, srečanj in rezidenc bomo rastočo skupnost zbližali z otroci, mladimi in starejšimi ter jo prepletli z ožjo okolico izvajanja projekta.
Prepričani smo, da pod pritiskom totalne individualizacije drastično upada občutek za skupnost in skupno dobro. Nedopustno ga izpodriva osamljenost začarana v lažne špektakle vseh vrst ekranov. Zato bomo z živim zgledom kreiranja naše skupnosti k oživljanju in razraščanju nagovorili tudi druge.
Naš projekt razumemo kot skupnostno umetniško delo.
Ker je razumevanje sodobne umetnosti v splošni javnosti zelo slabo, velikokrat celo odklonilno, želimo dvigniti ozaveščenost o njenem pomenu, smislu in lepoti. Zato bomo sodobna umetniška dela postavili v prostore, ki sicer nimajo razstavnega namena. V osrčje Polhograjskih dolomitov. Med spomenike kulturne dediščine. S tem bomo nagovarjali tudi ljudi, ki sicer ne obiskujejo galerijskih prostorov.
Želimo zgraditi odprt prostor, takšen, da umetniki na lokaciji, kjer postavljajo razstave, preživijo čim več časa in da razstavljena dela in njihova umestitev v razstavne prostore ter način komuniciranja s publikami nastajajo iz navdihov, ki izvirajo iz srečevanj s prostorom, z drugimi avtorji in obiskovalci.
Živi stik z obiskovalci bo presegal tabuje in razpuščal pregrade do sodobne umetnosti. Z umeščanjem skupnostnega umetniškega dela med in v spomenike kulturne dediščine povečujemo pretok nastajajoče skupnosti s preteklostjo, v povezovanju s sodobnimi umetniškimi praksami pa skupnost zračimo in umeščamo med tukaj in zdaj. Jo poglabljamo v pris(o)tnosti.
V naročju kulturne in naravne dediščine želimo zasnovati nekakšno novodobno pleme bojevnikov lepote.
The central aim of the project "In the Lap of Cultural and Natural Heritage" is to create a new live community. We want to address existing and even withering communities to revive, revitalise and re-create themselves.
Within a two-year process all activities will be woven into one story about reaching beyond the individual selfishness. We will start by identifying individual narcissistic blockages and continue with the detection of the impulses that can help us find our way out of this state.
The story will become the most clearly evident in two exhibitions. The same authors will be invited to participate in both exhibitions, in 2020 and 2021. The first year will show how the artists interconnected between them, with each of them continuing to work within their own creative space. In the second year we will work jointly on a common work of art.
Even before the first exhibition, a community will start being created via the travelling exhibition of modern art presented in the so-called travelling capsules (Potovke), which will also inspire visitors during both exhibitions and after the second exhibition. Small glass capsules holding miniature artistic works will be carried by the visitors between different locations in the wider surroundings of the Polhov Gradec Dolomites. This is how the live network of interpersonal flows will be disseminated across a wider territory.
Through creative workshops, meetings and residences the growing community will be brought close to children, young people and the elderly, and connected to its immediate surroundings in which the project will take place.
We believe that under the pressure of total individualisation the feeling of community and common good has been drastically reducing. It is being unacceptably replaced by loneliness disguised by false spectacles displayed on all sorts of screens. Through creating a live model of creating a community we will address other communities to come alive again and make themselves grow.
We see our project as community art work.
Since the general public's understanding of modern art is extremely poor, often even negative, we aim to raise awareness about its meaning, sense and beauty. This is why we will place modern art work in places that were not originally designed for exhibition purposes. At the heart of the nature of the Polhov Gradec Dolomites. Among sites of cultural heritage. This is how we will address people who do not usually visit galleries.
We would like to build an open space where artists who will make the exhibition can spend as much time as possible, and where their exhibits and their placement in the exhibition along with the way of communicating with the public are inspired by their experience and meetings with the location, other authors and visitors.
Their live contact with the visitors will reach beyond the taboos and will dissolve the barriers separating them from modern art. Through placing community art work among and inside cultural heritage sites we are strengthening the emerging community's ties with the past, and, through connecting it with modern artistic practices, refreshing it and placing it in the here and now. Deepening its ties, its authenticity, its presence.
In the lap of cultural and natural heritage we would like to create a kind of new age tribe of fighters for beauty.
Cilji projekta
The aims of the project
- Ustvarjali bomo živo skupnost preko umetnosti.
- Povezovali bomo kulturno in naravno dediščino s sodobno umetnostjo. Z delavnicami, razstavami ter umetniškim bivanjem in ustvarjanjem na posameznih lokacijah bomo pripomogli k ohranjanju in pomenu kulturne in naravne dediščine.
- Kulturno in naravno dediščino bomo skupaj s sodobno umetnostjo povezovali z drugimi panogami (turizem, šport-rekreacija-zdrav življenjski slog). Umetnost postavljena v prostorih kulturne dediščine, ki so spomeniško zaščiteni (mežnarija ob Sv. Marjeti v vasi Žlebe, Domačija Pr' Lenart v vasi Belo, Sv. Katarina v vasi Topol) stojijo ob lepih peš poteh in so idealna priložnost za enodnevni izlet.
- V konstituiranje skupnosti, ki jo bomo gradili, bomo v proces pritegnili ožjo in širšo okolico. Opažamo, da vse bolj živimo vsak zase in da skupnost|povezanost in tovrstni odnosi izginjajo. Želimo pokazati globino v povezovanju, ki pripomore k zagotavljanju kakovostnega življenja, zagotavljanju osebne in socialne varnosti, rasti in zdravega razvoja |tudi otrok in mladostnikov.
- V graditev skupnosti bomo povabili tudi starostnike. Spodbujanje medgeneracijskega sodelovanja in kakovostnega aktivnega staranja.
- Spoštovanje različnosti in oblikovanje vključujoče družbe.
- S približanjem tako materialne kot nesnovne kulturne dediščine sodobnikom želimo povečati samo|prepoznavnost in poglobitev samobitnosti njihove identitete in ukoreninjenosti skupnosti.
- Z umestitvijo urbanih vsebin sodobnih umetniških praks na podeželju želimo dvigniti kakovost življenja tako tukajšnjih prebivalcev kot njihovih obiskovalcev.
- Z izvajanjem naših aktivnosti želimo povečati zavest o nujnosti naravovarstvenega delovanja in ukrepov za zmanjšanje podnebnih sprememb.
- Dvigniti želimo ozaveščenost javnosti o pomenu kulturnih in s tem medčloveških raznolikosti.
- S povezovanjem kulturne dediščine, sodobne umetnosti in področij zdravja, socialno inteligentnih dejavnosti ter športa in turizma želimo širšo javnost vzpodbuditi k bolj zdravemu življenjskemu slogu.
- S komplementarnimi dejavnostmi želimo izboljšati področje izobraževanja.
- Na področju kulturnega turizma želimo povečati število obiskovalcev, ki v Polhograjce prihajajo zaradi bogate kulturne dediščine in raznovrstnih kulturnih dogodkov.
- Z večjo mobilnostjo umetniških ustvarjalcev in kulturnih producentov želimo prispevati k razvoju regionalne kulturne identitete in kreirati nova občinstva kulturnih dogodkov.
- Z vsemi naštetimi cilji vzpostavljamo pogoje za razvoj projektov, ki lokalno področje umeščajo v dejavnosti Evropske prestolnice kulture 2025.
- We will be creating a live community through art.
- We will be connecting cultural and natural heritage with modern art. Workshops, exhibitions, artistic residences and creative work at individual locations will contribute to the preservation and meaning of cultural and natural heritage.
- Through modern art, cultural and natural heritage will be connected to other areas of life and the economy (tourism, sport-recreation-healthy life-style). Art will be presented in protected cultural heritage buildings (the sexton house of the St. Margerite's Church in the village of Žlebe, Pr' Lenart Homestead in Belo, St. Catherine in Topol) which are located near beautiful hiking trails and make an ideal opportunity for a day trip.
- We will invite people from nearby and more distant surroundings to participate in constituting the community that we will build. We have noticed that we are increasingly growing apart from each other and that community|connection and similar relationships are disappearing. We wish to reveal deeper connections contributing to a higher quality of life, personal and social security, growth and healthy development |including children and young people.
- We will invite the elderly to participate in the building of our community. Intergenerational cooperation and quality and active ageing will be encouraged.
- We will foster respect for diversity and the shaping of an inclusive society.
- By bringing material and non-material cultural heritage closer to our contemporaries we wish to increase their self|recognition and strengthen their authentic identity and sense of belonging to their community.
- By placing urban themes of contemporary artistic practices in rural areas we wish to raise the quality of life of local residents and visitors.
- With our activities we wish to raise awareness about the necessity of taking action to protect the environment and reduce the climate change.
- We wish to raise public awareness of the meaning of cultural and, in turn, interpersonal diversity.
- By connecting cultural heritage, modern art and areas of health, socially intelligent activities as well as sport and tourism we wish to encourage the wider public to engage in a healthier lifestyle.
- With our complementary activities we wish to improve approaches to education.
- In the field of cultural tourism we wish to increase the number of visitors who are attracted to Polhov Gradec Dolomites for their rich cultural heritage and various cultural events.
- With an increased mobility of artists and cultural producers we would like to contribute to the development of the regional cultural identity and create new diverse audiences for cultural events.
- By meeting all of these goals we will establish the conditions for the development of projects that will place the local area on the map of activities of the European Capital of Culture 2025.