Zavod CCC – Zavod za produkcijo sodobne umetnosti in družbenega raziskovanja se posveča sodobni umetnosti v povezovanju s socialnim okoljem, tako urbanim kot podeželskim. Sodelavci vanj vstopamo z zvočnimi, besednimi in vizualnimi podobami, ga tako razširjamo, dopolnjujemo in z njim vzpostavljamo dialog. Zadnja leta se vse bolj posvečamo povezovanju sodobne umetnosti s kulturno in naravno dediščino.
Zavod CCC (CCC Institute) – Institute for the Production of Contemporary Art and Social Research deals with contemporary art in its connection with the social environment, both urban and rural. Those who work at the Institute enter into dialogue with it through our audio, textual and visual images and works, which complement the Institute and contribute to its development and expansion. In recent years we have been increasingly devoting our attention to linking modern art with cultural and natural heritage.